Tuesday, March 26, 2019

The Cause of Subluxation: The Three Ts

Have you ever heard this seemingly complicated term: subluxation? Subluxations are misalignments in one or more of the vertebrae in your spine. They can cause nerve interference, hindering communication between the brain and the rest of the body—every cell, tissue and organ. This makes it so the body is unable to function at 100 percent.
Treating them is one of the foremost goals of chiropractic care. Here are some lesser known causes of subluxations and why ongoing chiropractic care is crucial to generate self-healing and overall health and wellness.

The Three Ts

Subluxations can occur at any age and the main causes are considered the “Three Ts”: trauma, toxins and thoughts.


Trauma is the most well-known of the Three Ts. It can cause subluxation by sheer force. Most people only think of major traumas like car accidents or falls, but your body experiences micro traumas every day—and these may surprise you. Behaviors or habits can cause subluxation—like continuously carrying a purse or bag on the same side of your body, wearing high heels, sleeping on your stomach, crossing your legs or looking down at a computer monitor for long periods of time.


Toxins, as a cause of subluxation, may not be as obvious. Think of your body as one big conglomerate of chemicals—when the body is healthy and balanced chemically, it’s in a state of homeostasis. Depending on the toxic chemicals you take in through food, drink and your environment, your body’s homeostasis can be disrupted and become imbalanced. Toxins can get into the body in many ways: through processed and GMO foods, air pollution, chemicals in your cleaning supplies and even the water you’re drinking—and the plastic bottle it came in. These imbalances can cause muscle contractions or change fiber length in the muscles, causing a subluxation.


The third "T," Thoughts (a.k.a. stress), is the number one cause of subluxations. Forbes recently reported that 83 percent of working adults in the United States say they are stressed about their job. Think about it: you can be lying on a sandy beach somewhere but can feel completely stressed if you start thinking about the work and problems you have back at home. When you're stressed, the muscles in your neck and upper back become tight. This tension can cause subluxation, and these emotional stressors can also cause a chemical imbalance.
The Cause of Subluxation: The Three Ts 


Treating Subluxations

Chiropractic care is the only way to treat subluxations. And this doesn’t mean a one-time visit to a chiropractor, but ongoing treatment. Your chiropractor will locate, analyze and correct subluxations and work with you on the causes.
Committing to chiropractic care is a lifestyle choice—just like exercising and eating well. It's impossible to eliminate all the micro traumas, toxins and stress in daily life, but choosing chiropractic as a preventative and proactive measure is vital to your path to optimal health.

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