Monday, November 23, 2015

Ice Therapy

In many cases, temporary pain, and even additional injury, can be minimized and even avoided by a simple application of ice. Ice, applied in a timely manner and in an appropriate way, can reduce inflammation. Inflammation left unchecked can allow the source of the pain to continue doing damage to muscles, ligaments, tendons, and other structures.

Ice causes the veins in the affected tissue area to constrict. This reduces the flow of blood while acting as kind of anesthetic to numb the pain. But when the ice is removed (and this is key), the veins compensate by opening large, allowing a large volume of blood to rush to the affected area. The blood brings with it important chemicals that aid in the healing process.

Ice therapy is not recommended as a form of treatment for any kinds of rheumatoid arthritis, Raynaud's Syndrome (a circulatory disorder of blood vessels of the extremities), colds or allergic conditions, paralysis, or areas of impaired sensation.

Monday, November 16, 2015


Exercise and other kinds of physical activity can go far in keeping your body strong and healthy, able to fight disease and ward off injuries from pulling, pushing and lifting. A healthy and fit body also generally recovers faster from Injury and Pain.

In general, there are three basic types of exercise: strengthening. stretching and aerobic. Here's a brief description:
  • Strengthening exercises focus on the abdominal and back muscles because these play a key role in supporting your spine and maintaining good posture.
  • Stretching exercises target the soft tissues in your legs and surrounding your spine. These muscles provide the flexibility you need to move and get around.
  • Aerobic exercises foster a strong and healthy heart and lung function. These kinds of exercises generally involve large muscle groups.
Other kinds of mild exercises include those that help you correct or maintain good posture (with a focus on the neck and back); ease tension from prolongued periods of sitting.