Sunday, May 3, 2020

How to Fix Bad Posture

A lot of people think bad posture is mostly how you look—and that’s not unreasonable. It’s noticeable, right? It’s the difference between looking tired vs. alert, and for some, confident vs. uncomfortable. But there’s so much more going on with bad posture than meets the eye.
Here’s what bad posture actually means for your body and what you can do to fix it.

The Bad Posture Breakdown

Are you hunched over at your desk right now? Looking down at your phone, neck craned? Yep, we see you—and it’s OK. Most people don’t exactly make good postural habits a priority. But trust us, it’s definitely having an impact on your body.
Appearance benefits aside, good posture can help you maintain the correct alignment of bones and joints, reduce stress and inflammation on your ligaments, minimize risk of injury, prevent muscle strain and overuse, conserve energy and decrease wear and tear on the joints.
And that’s a big deal! Your muscles, ligaments and bones are all a part of your musculoskeletal system, and if they aren’t operating correctly, they can affect the rest of your body—most noticeably your spine. We’re talking slipped discs, misaligned vertebrae and more. These issues open you up to a whole litany of mechanical and symptomatic problems!

Bad Posture Can Lead To:

  • Poor circulation
  • Exacerbated arthritis
  • Fatigue
  • Neck and shoulder pain
  • Chronic headaches
  • Breathing problems

How Can I Tell My Posture Is Off?

So… how do you know if there’s a problem with your posture? How can you even begin to tell if your poor posture has affected your health enough to develop symptoms? It’s actually really easy to spot. You just have to know how.
Consider whether or not you notice any of these symptoms in your daily life:

Slumped Shoulders

86 percent of Americans work a desk job, and sitting for such long periods, especially improperly, leaves many of us wide open for pain and dysfunction. Slumped or hunched shoulders are one of the most common postural problems of sedentary work. This is when your shoulders are more rounded with a tendency of your biceps turning inward.
  • When you look at photos of yourself, are your shoulders more hunched and curved into the body?
  • Are you suffering from frequent headaches, neck aches or shoulder tension?
  • When you’re standing with your arms at your sides, are your palms facing behind you?

Forward Head Carriage

This is a big one that we see often in our offices, and in today’s tech world, it’s an easy pattern to get into. When your head is too far forward, it can put up to forty extra pounds of weight on your cervical spine, leading to pain and dysfunction. Your ears should line up directly above your shoulders.
  • Are you experiencing pain or inflammation in the neck or shoulders?
  • When you’re texting, driving or on the computer, do you crane your neck forward?
  • Are your ears not aligned with your shoulders?

Uneven Weight Distribution

When one side of your hip is higher than the other, it can force you to put more weight on one side of the body. Uneven weight distribution can cause a structural imbalance in the body, forcing more wear and tear on the joints.
  • When standing, do you tend to favor one leg over the other?
  • Have you ever noticed the soles of one of your shoes more worn than the other?
  • Do you ever experience pain on only one side of the body?
If you’ve said “Yes!” to any of these questions… it may be time to have a chat with your chiropractor.

How to Have Better Posture

Routine chiropractic care can not only help you correct your posture, it can also help you maintain it throughout your lifetime. Regular chiropractic adjustments and some advice from your chiropractor can make all the difference.
Here are some helpful tips from the American Chiropractic Association that may help you out:
Sitting Image

Posture 101: Sitting

  • Keep both feet on the floor, or if your chair is too high, a footrest
  • Uncross your legs, and keep your ankles in front of your knees
  • Keep a gap between the back of your knees and the front of your seat
  • Make sure your knees are at or below the level of your hips
  • Adjust your chair to support your low back
  • Keep your forearms parallel to the ground
  • Stay active! Take a five minute walk every thirty minutes
Standing Image

Posture 101: Standing

  • Focus your weight on the balls of your feet
  • Keep your knees slightly bent
  • Place your feet around a shoulder-width apart
  • Let your arms hang naturally
  • Keep your shoulders back
  • Stand with your ears aligned with your shoulders
Sleeping Image

Posture 101: Lying Down

  • Find a proper mattress
  • Sleep with an ergonomic sleep posture pillow
  • DO NOT sleep on your stomach
  • If you sleep on your side, place a pillow between your legs
  • If you sleep on your back, keep a pillow under your knees

Sunday, April 26, 2020

7 Ways to Ease Your Back Pain Without Painkillers

Back pain is a big deal. In fact, so big, it costs Americans at least $90 billion a year in medical and non-medical expenses and has affected an estimated 59 million Americans in the last three months. We're here to help. Try these seven simple, effective and drug-free ways to improve your back pain:
  1. Get regular chiropractic adjustments. Chiropractic is proven to effectively treat back pain. Non-invasive and gentle chiropractic adjustments help to restore function and structure without the dangerous risks of surgery or drugs. (A study in the journal Spine revealed that many, if not most, back surgeries fail and often leave a patient in more pain.)
  2. Increase core strength. Your core plays an important role in back pain and strain. A strong core will reduce the amount of strain on your lower back. Pilates, lifting and bodyweight exercises are great ways to increase your core strength.
  3. Don’t become dependent on a back brace. Your doctor of chiropractic may prescribe a back brace for lower back pain, which can be an excellent tool for helping to temporarily relieve some symptoms. But it’s critical you avoid depending on your back brace entirely. Overuse can cause your core muscles to weaken, putting your back at increased risk for injury and strain. Your main focus should be in on finding the root of the problem and strengthening your core muscles.
  4. Practice excellent posture. Your posture affects more than how you look. Good posture helps to maintain proper alignment in the spine, reduces stress on ligaments, prevents muscle strain and conserves energy, among other benefits. Ask your chiropractor for tips on how to improve your posture.
  5. Apply ice and heat. Ice and heat can help with the pain. Ice can also help reduce swelling after an injury. If you've sustained an injury, the typical recommendation is ice for the first 48 hours before switching to heat.
7 Ways to Ease Your Back Pain Without Painkillers
  1. Improve your flexibility. Flexibility can help release tension and stress in your back. Carefully stretch the major muscles groups and be sure not to overdo it. If you have any questions, ask your chiropractor for tips on stretching.
  2. Check your mattress, pillow and sleeping position. These three things can have a detrimental effect on your spine and your level of pain.
    • Mattress: Your mattress shouldn't be too soft or too firm and should offer uniform support from head-to-toe.
    • Pillow: Choose a firmer foam pillow that fills the space between your ear and the bed, and keeps your spine in a neutral position.
    • Sleeping position: Always avoid sleeping on your stomach; it removes the curve in your neck and places pressure on your brainstem. Sleeping on your back provides the least amount of pressure on your spine.
Did you know that chiropractic can help with more than just back and neck pain? Visit to learn more about chiropractic care.

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Perfecting Your Posture During Your Daily Habits

Driving, texting, sitting at a desk or even walking a dog all have one thing in common—posture.
You may not actively think about it, but how your body is positioned throughout the day greatly contributes to your overall health. How you sit, stand or move your body can lead to chronic back pain, headaches, and possibly poor circulation in your legs and feet.

What Is Good Posture?

Good posture is your body putting the least amount of strain on supporting muscles, bones, joints and ligaments. Proper posture is just one element of good spinal health, encouraging the brain to communicate more effectively with the rest of the body.

How to Improve Your Posture During the Day

Adopting healthier posture habits and at-home ergonomics can improve your overall health. These practices can provide more efficiency in daily tasks and an improved quality of life. Good posture isn’t just limited to standing or sitting. Training your body when you sleep, watch TV, stand in line or even text is important.
Here are a few tips for improving posture during your daily routine:
Netflix and chill. Who doesn’t love a good movie in bed? However, binge watching can do a number on your spine. Add a pillow behind your back for added support, or underneath your knees to relieve any stress on your neck, legs and back.
Sleep tight. Sleep posture is important since you put so much pressure on your spine. Regardless of sleep position, always use a pillow with enough thickness so that your head maintains a neutral position.
Back - Only 8 percent of people sleep on their backs. Sleeping on your back is the best option, because it puts no extra pressure on your head, neck or spine. Use a pillow to keep your head slightly elevated and aligned.
Side - Sleeping on one’s side, especially with the knees drawn up in a fetal position, can help open up the joints in the spine and relieve pressure by reducing the curvature of the spine.
Stomach - Approximately 7 percent of people sleep on their stomachs. Unfortunately, this position can aggravate the spine and other medical conditions. Avoid it if possible.
Supermarket sweep. You can practice perfect posture anywhere! Standing in line while at a grocery store, or any store, is a great time to think about your posture, learn to notice how you regularly stand and make note to avoid slouching. Position your feet shoulder-length apart and let your arms hang naturally at your sides. Keep your weight on the balls of your feet. This will allow your body to naturally align and evenly distribute your body weight.
Texting. Text neck is real and a result of having bad postural habits. While texting or cruising through social media, position your phone at eye level. This will help reduce the amount of pressure being applied to your neck and spine. And remember, while a great starting point, changing your habits isn’t quite enough! That’s where chiropractic comes in. Incorporating routine adjustments can help improve posture, increase flexibility, and prevent backache and muscular pain.

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

An 8-Minute Workout to Restore Your Flexibility & Strength

Getting back into a regular exercise routine after the holidays can take a lot of work. Because of this, your body may have lost some strength and flexibility in your joints. Enjoy this quick 8-minute workout to help restore muscle memory and strength.

Knee Tuck

  1. Start by lying on your back with your legs extended. Keep your arms straight and to your sides.
  2. Bring your knees to your chest while keeping your hips to the ground.
  3. Hold for 8-10 counts. Repeat 4-6 times.

Straight Leg Crossover

  1. Start by lying on your back with your legs extended. Keep your arms out to your sides.
  2. Lift your left leg toward the ceiling. Then, slowly lower your leg to the right side while crossing your other leg over your body.
  3. Hold for 8-10 counts and repeat 4-6 times on each side.


  1. Start by lying face down on the floor with your arms extended past your head.
  2. Lift your right hand and left leg slightly off of the ground.
  3. Keep your body straight and your stomach pulled into your spine.
  4. Return to your starting position, and repeat with your left hand and right leg.
  5. Continue for 30 seconds.
Always consult with your doctor or chiropractor before adding new workouts into your routine, especially if you have a serious medical condition, physical limitations or experience chronic pain.

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

3 Posture-Building Yoga Poses

There are plenty of ways you can better your posture in 2020—most importantly, routine chiropractic care, habit changes, a proper diet and more. But, what is another valuable tool in your arsenal? Exercise! Building strength in your core and lower back can be especially useful for maintaining proper posture. Let’s take a look at three helpful yoga poses to get you started.

Legs Up the Wall

  1. Sit flat on the ground with your side close against the wall.
  2. Lean back onto your hands, spinning your body slightly and sliding the back of your legs up the wall. Recline onto your back with your feet facing the ceiling.
  3. Slowly inch your bottom closer to the wall, keeping your hands in place on your stomach.
  4. Close your eyes and relax. Hold for two to three minutes.
Legs Up the Wall

Bridge Pose

  1. Lay on your back with your arms at your sides, palms down. Put your feet flat on the floor with your knees up.
  2. Lift your hips to the sky, on the inhale, while pressing down on the soles of your hands. Hold for three breaths.
  3. Release this tension on an exhale, lowering your body one vertebra at a time.
  4. Repeat three times. Once complete, sway your knees gently back and forth to release any tension in the spine.
Bridge Pose

Downward Dog

  1. Starting from the Plank Pose, press the hips up and back. Press your chest towards your knees.
  2. Make sure your heels are hip-width apart, and your fingers are spread wide with weight evenly distributed through your hands.
  3. Relax your head and neck, and shoulders away from your ears, sending your gaze towards your toes.
  4. Stay here for anywhere between 30 seconds to a minute.
Downward Dog

Friday, March 27, 2020

Can ‘Giving Back’ be a Way to Better Health?

If you’ve ever overextended yourself, burning the candle at both ends to serve others, you’ll understand the spirit of National Volunteer Month. Organizations across the U.S. recognize millions of faithful volunteers during the month of April. It’s an opportunity to offer thanks for the hours of service leading to the propagation of a myriad of non-profit charities while fueling the message that volunteering has merit.
According to the Corporation for National and Community Service Office of Research and Policy Development, volunteers have greater functional ability, have lower mortality rates, and experience less depression than other individuals. A report from the organization says that research has targeted various age groups, finding that older individuals get more mental and physical benefits from volunteerism than younger volunteers do.
An article in Science Daily cites research at the University of Exeter Medical School showing the improved mental health experienced by those with a commitment to volunteerism. In addition to the 20 percent lower rate of mortality compared with non-volunteers, longitudinal cohort studies report better satisfaction and less depression. The research, led by Dr. Suzanne Richards, shows that adult volunteering among Australians is highest, with 36 percent, compared to Americans and Europeans.
When asked their motives, participants responded most often with “giving something back” to their communities or to charities that had supported them in the past. Sometimes volunteerism is for the purpose of work experience or for a social outlet, the report says.

Hit the Brakes!

The benefit to your health is maximized when you volunteer 100 hours per year or more, the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS) research shows. But how much is too much?
The CNCS points out a “volunteering threshold,” meaning there is a certain amount of service that grants you the greatest number of positive by-products. But giving more of your time doesn’t get you any more direct feedback. You need to commit to a fair level of volunteerism -- at least a few hours per week -- but to simply keep it in high gear doesn’t benefit anyone. Above a certain amount of time per week, you aren’t reaping additional benefits; however, individuals who volunteer for two or more charities show a 44 percent lower mortality rate over a five-year period than others.
An article in Science Alert says you have to take your foot off the gas sometimes and slow down. Dr. Tim Windsor from Australian National University Centre for Mental Health Research led a team of researchers who collected data from 1,000 individuals age 60 and older. While moderate volunteerism resulted in improved mental health, those who volunteered their time more than 15 hours per week had lower feelings of well-being and reduced mental health.
“The findings indicate that we need to make sure that volunteers aren’t being overburdened,” Dr. Windsor said. “Adequate government and community support of the volunteer sector is important to ensure that the burden of responsibility doesn’t fall to just a few, but is shared by many.”
Baby boomers up to their mid-50s are volunteering at a higher rate than earlier generations did at the same age, and it doesn’t look like it’s ending soon. The most active volunteers seem likely to continue the trend, and luckily, baby boomers are a motivated group who can help solve some of the country’s most challenging social problems.

Time in the Body Shop

If pain is something you live with, there are steps you can take to alleviate symptoms, and it may mean an increase or a decrease in how much time you give to others.
Research by the Corporation for National and Community Service shows that people in pain can decrease the pain’s intensity by offering to volunteer for others in the same boat. Serving their peers who have chronic pain can decrease some of the disability and depression that occurs while coping with illness.
The social part of spending time with and for others has perhaps the most positive effect. But while the sense of purpose contributes to healthy attitudes, you may be putting physical health risks into overdrive. Part of it depends on what type of volunteerism you have in mind.
If you’re a wilderness leader, your fitness level needs to be assessed in advance. If it involves backpacking with a 40-pound load, you want to build up to that. You aren’t a mule, and your back wasn’t designed to carry a large amount of weight. If you don’t build strength in your leg muscles, you risk injury from misalignment to long-term back strain. In the case of one of these problems, the best treatment is a visit to your chiropractor.
Are you a volunteer caregiver? It’s more than chatting with a patient -- it can be a tough job with physical demands. Again, you’ll get a lot more mileage out of your body if you’re lifting properly and getting help with heavy lifting. Ask your chiropractor for advice before taking on a commitment that contributes to joint dysfunction. Looking out for others doesn’t mean not looking out for yourself. Make sure to fill your own tank first!

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Taking Care of Your Little Athlete

Over the past 22 consecutive years, participation in high school sports has been on the rise. And it’s estimated that three out of four American families with school-aged kiddos have at least one playing an organized sport! Undoubtedly, it’s great that kids are more active out on the court and on the field, but with all that activity, there comes, of course, the risk of injury.

Reactive vs. Proactive Care

In the United States, we’re often reactive when it comes to our healthcare—meaning, we’ll head to the doctor after we’ve gotten an ear infection or sprained an ankle. At Franklin Chiropractic & Accident Clinics, Inc., one of our goals is to show people the incredible benefits of proactive and preventative healthcare—which is why we encourage people to begin care before experiencing pain or an injury.

Spot an Injury or Weakness Before it’s a Problem

Chiropractic care is a great tool for preventing long-term health issues, which is why it’s critical kids are seen throughout the season, not just when an injury has occurred—or even worse, years later when the pain has become unbearable. 
Taking Care of Your Little Athlete

Pinpointing the Problem

A good chiropractor can also help to locate the problem before it becomes a long-term issue. Recently, Dr. Franklin treated a high school track athlete, who suddenly began experiencing intense knee pain. Shortly before seeing Dr. Franklin, the patient had begun a new training regimen at a sports facility to work on speed and agility.
As you gear up for the practices and games, find some time to visit your chiropractor for a spinal evaluation, and keep up with your treatment throughout the season and beyond. Your body is your biggest and best asset!

Thursday, March 12, 2020

How Chiropractic Care Helps Posture

Posture is position of the body while standing, sitting or lying down. Good posture, also referred to as neutral spine, has many health benefits, including the avoidance of injury-induced back pain. Chiropractic can help improve and maintain posture.

Why is Posture Important 

Appearance benefits with good posture are obvious, but there are many less-obvious health benefits you should know. Good posture can:
  • Maintain correct alignment of bones and joints
  • Reduce stress on ligaments, minimizing risk of injury
  • Prevent muscle strain, overuse and pain
  • Conserve energy as muscles are used more efficiently
  • Decrease abnormal joint wear
Research has shown that poor postures may increase feelings of depression, affect your digestive tract and influence confidence and stress levels.

Signs You have Poor Posture 

There are many indicators of poor posture, but some of the more common are hunched shoulders, rounded shoulders, rounded upper back, forward head carriage and arched lower back. Another indicator is back pain. Unsure if you have good posture? Talk to your chiropractor or schedule an appointment for a spinal examination.

Factors that Contribute to Poor Posture 

There are several common factors linked to poor posture:
  • Stress
  • Obesity
  • Pregnancy
  • Weak postural muscles
  • Abnormally tight muscles
  • High-heeled shoes

How to Maintain or Correct Posture 

The first step is awareness! Bring your attention to your posture as you sit, stand or lie down. If you're sitting, keep both feet on the floor or a footrest, don't cross your legs and use low-back support. While standing, keep your knees slightly bent, relax your arms and pull your shoulders back. When lying down it's critical to choose the right mattress and pillow, and avoid sleeping on your stomach.

Importance of Chiropractic Care and Therapies

Your chiropractor can help you to maintain and correct your posture through chiropractic adjustments, exercises and recommendations on proper positions during different activities.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

The Importance of Your Cervical Curve

These days many people like to use a mouthwash and there is a huge range of options to choose from.
The key to choosing the right one for your needs is being clear about what you are using it for.
Many people opt for mouthwash because they want to have fresh breath.
But many mouthwashes contain alcohol which can cause the mouth to dry. It’s best to minimize the chances of suffering from dry mouth as it can increase your risk of tooth decay and gum disease.
Therefore if you want fresh breath, a breath spray or drops may meet your needs better.
Another reason for using mouthwash is when you’ve been told you have a gum disease such as gingivitis. In this case, you’ll need to choose a mouthwash that contains ingredients known to kill the bacteria that cause gingivitis.
If you like to use a mouthwash that improves your oral health, use one that contains fluoride.
Read the directions of your mouthwash and make sure you spit it out.
Don’t assume that the most expensive mouthwashes are best. Think carefully about your needs and check the ingredients.
Your dentist will be able to advise you on the best choice of mouthwash.

Thursday, February 27, 2020

Just Breathe (Your Way to Better Core Strength!)

Are you a shallow breather? Turns out, most of us are.
Shallow breathing can greatly impact your respiratory muscles, create tension in the body, undermine your posture and compromise core stability. It’s important to practice deep-breathing exercises frequently to retrain the body. There are also plenty of core-specific exercises and other breathing techniques you can look into as well.
Let’s take a look at a simple one.

How-To: Core Strengthening Breathing Exercise

This easy breathing exercise can help strengthen the muscles in your abdomen and lower back—a great addition to any stretching routine!
  1. To get started, lie down comfortably, feet flat with your knees bent. Make sure your lower back is flat on the floor and not arched.
  2. Place your palms against your lower abdomen and inhale deeply, relaxing as you do so.
  3. As you exhale, contract your muscles, sucking in your stomach like you’re pulling your belly button towards the spine.
  4. Continue alternating between inhaling and exhaling, feeling the muscles tense and relax in your abdomen, pelvis and lower back.

Thursday, February 20, 2020

How To De-Stress Through Stretching

Stress can come in many forms when you are going about your daily routine—while getting ready for the day, at work or even while driving in traffic. Here are some tips on how to stretch away your stress before you start your day and while you wind down for the evening.

Stretching Before Your Day Starts

Shoulder stretching can help you release any major or minor neck and shoulder tension that may have developed while sleeping at night or may be lingering from the previous day. Incorporate this stretch into your morning routine and start your day feeling tension-free, loose and energized.

  1. Interlock your fingers, and raise your arms above your head with your palms facing upwards.
  2. Look straight ahead and keep your arms in line with your ears while relaxing your shoulder blades down your back (no shrugging allowed).
  3. Hold this position for five seconds while breathing in and out of your nose.
  4. Bring your arms toward your sides and roll your shoulders backwards and forwards.
  5. Repeat this stretch and hold for five full breaths.

Stretching Before Bed

Child’s Pose is perfect for loosening tight shoulders, releasing tension in your neck and stretching out your back. Releasing the tension of the day before allowing your body to rest can be ideal for someone looking to de-stress.

  1. Start by getting into position on your hands and knees, and sit back onto your heels with your arms extended.
  2. Keep your knees hip width apart.
  3. Bring your hands forward until you are nearly flat on the ground and relax your head to the floor.
  4. Stay in this position for 15 seconds and repeat as needed.

Friday, February 14, 2020

What is Stress Doing to Your Body?

We all know what stress is—we experience it every day in ways both big and small. As it turns out, a little bit of stress is actually good for you… but what about when you get overloaded? Too much stress can throw the body into chaos—mentally, physically and emotionally.
Here’s a quick, whole-body look at how stress can affect you—in ways you never knew!

Stress and Your Body

Brain/Head: Anxiety and depression, irritability, low energy, insomnia, headaches and migraines
Clenching, teeth grinding, TMJ/TMD symptoms
Shoulders and Neck:
Muscle tension and tightness, aches and pains
Increased heart rate, high blood pressure, stroke, heart attack and hypertension.
Frequent sickness and infections, trouble breathing
Upset stomach, diarrhea, constipation, nausea, heartburn, loss of appetite

Having trouble managing physical and emotional symptoms of stress? Sit down with your chiropractor to chat about possible treatment options and lifestyle changes.
Remember—they’re here to support you!

Friday, February 7, 2020

What Heart Healthy Foods to Eat

It’s hard to believe heart disease is still the leading cause of death in the United States, especially with all we know about preventing this silent killer. One of the most important components in your prevention arsenal is a heart healthy diet. Rather than getting really specific with a diet, it can be easier to look at the big picture and eat as healthy as possible.

Juicing Veggies and Fruits

Juicing is an ideal form of nutrition because it starts with eating large quantities of raw food. This means the body receives maximum amounts of nutrients consumed with minimal calories. Juicing vegetables and fruits makes it much easier to consume ideal quantities of them throughout the day, while allowing your body to extract and utilize the most nutrients.

Other heart healthy foods to consider:


These petite bites help prevent inflammation and gum disease, two factors that contribute to heart disease. Kids love them because they have just enough sweetness and a meaty texture many people crave in a snack. Grab a handful of organic raisins next time you need an afternoon pick-me-up.


Studies show that adding fish to your diet twice a week or more can lower your risk of heart disease by as much as 30 percent, due to the good work done by a fatty acid called Omega-3. Omega-3’s prevent blood clots, lower blood pressure and prevent irregular heartbeat. But keep in mind, not all fish are created equal. Where your fish comes from is important, too. Fish caught in cold waters, such as salmon from Alaska, have much lower levels of dangerous mercury than those from warm waters, like catfish or tilapia.


The walnut, a funny looking, flavorful nut, delivers a powerful blow to heart disease. A recent study performed at Penn State University showed the oil found in walnuts fortifies the strength and function of blood vessels, an important factor in preventing heart disease. Snack on them between meals, add them to healthy salads and sprinkle them into your morning oatmeal.

Avoid Salt

Salt can be tough on your ticker as it increases blood pressure. In fact, a recent Harvard study blames one of every ten American deaths on salt. Avoid canned and processed foods, which both have added salt. Preparing meals at home is great way to control the quality of your ingredients and keep sodium intake down.

Make a Plan

We understand that not everyone can just hop into the kitchen and prepare a healthy, delicious meal after a long day at work. That’s where meal planning comes in. Sitting down for a few minutes to plan out the meals for your day or week will save you money at the grocery store and ensure you’re making meals that are good for everyone’s heart.

Thursday, January 30, 2020

Camp with Health in Mind

Heading to the great outdoors this summer? Bring along these great health and well-being camping tips from Franklin Chiropractic & Accident Clinics, Inc. for those beautiful nights spent cozied up next to a campfire.
Bring along healthy snacks. It’s easy to grab bags of chips and other salty snacks to bring with you—but these will only dehydrate your campers. Nuts and dried fruit are great for a quick bite and a boost of energy while hiking or in between meals. Bananas and apples are also great camping foods because they don’t need to be refrigerated.
Keep hydrated. As always, it’s so important to stay hydrated—especially when you’re spending a few days or more outdoors. Each person should be getting 64 ounces of H2O a day, which is roughly a half gallon a person. If you’re hiking in a few miles or more, consider buying a water filter specifically made for hiking and ensure there will be a clean water source available to you.
Put on the right backpack. This tip is especially important if you’ll be hiking to your camping spot or heading out for a day trip. Make sure that your bag has padded straps and keep them tightened comfortably so your pack isn’t pulling on your back and shoulders. You can also look for a backpack with a waist strap—this helps distribute the weight of the contents in your bag.
Choose the right shoes. This is important no matter where you are. Wearing shoes with socks or hiking sandals instead of flimsy sandals helps prevent injury to your foot and provides extra comfort if you’ll be hiking. Be sure to pack at least two pairs of socks and if they get wet, dry them completely before putting them back on.
Sleep with a pad. There are specially designed camping pads made to go underneath your sleeping bag. This comfort-providing gear will help support your spine and ensure a better night’s rest, especially since most people aren’t used to sleeping on hard surfaces.
Be aware of wildlife. Seeing wildlife on a camping trip can be quite thrilling. Depending where you are in the United States, you may encounter all different kinds of animals. Check with the park or forest preserve in which you’re traveling for specific safety tips or answers to wildlife related questions.
Make a first aid kit. While no one expects to have an injury, you never know what can happen. Purchase or build your own first aid kit so you’re properly prepared. The Red Cross recommends including items like compress dressings, gauze pads, bandages, cloth tape, antibiotic ointment, antiseptic wipes, aspirin, instant cold compress, hydrocortisone, roller bandages and a first aid instruction book.
Check the weather. While the weatherman isn’t always right, it’s important to check the forecast for your trip. If rain is a possibility bring the necessary items like raincoats, a tent fly and a tarp. Also, in many places the temps can drop at night, so bring along warmer clothing for your evenings under the stars.

Thursday, January 23, 2020

4 Ways to Get Your New Year’s Resolution Back

If you kick-started a resolution for 2020, it’s time to check in with yourself. No matter what your resolution was—work out more, kick a smoking habit, eat healthier, spend more time with family, get organized, you name it—it’s easy to have a lot of motivation at first but then lose steam as time goes on. If you really want to make your resolution work, set aside some time each month to take stock of what you’ve accomplished and where you might need some nudging. Here are some tips to get you there:

Make Sure it’s the Right Fit

Are you struggling big time with your resolution? Did you make a few days and leap off the wagon? Maybe this resolution isn’t for you right now. Reevaluate why you chose this goal: Is this really what matters to you in this moment or are you just choosing “lose weight” because you always do?
Think long and hard about what’s important to you, and think outside the box! A resolution doesn’t have to be something involving eating better or working out—it could be committing to reading one book a month, a weekly dinner date with your partner or laughing more. Make it about whatever matters to you.

Baby Steps for Success

Take a second look and see if you bit off more than you can chew. For example, if you really wanted to start working out and your resolution was to hit the gym four times a week for hour-long sessions—you probably made too big of a jump to start. Instead, commit to walking 5 miles a week for the first month or 20-minute gym sessions three days a week. 
It’s much easier to make smaller, easy-to-swallow adjustments at first and then move onto bigger goals. You’ll feel good as you meet your own expectations, making it easier for you to up the ante as you go.

Cut Yourself Some Slack

Sometimes it’s easy to be hyper critical of yourself—but often no good can come from this. When you feel like you slipped on your resolution, it can feel like you failed altogether, and this might cause you to head back to old behaviors. If you slacked a bit on your goals, who cares?! Your resolution, your life, your rules. Give yourself a break and give it another chance. And, like we said, make sure you’ve chosen a goal you can achieve.

Get Specific About It

Research has found that the more detailed and specific you are about your goals, the more likely you are to stick with ‘em and achieve ‘em. Ask yourself questions like: What do I want to accomplish? Who does this benefit? Where will I work on my goal? When would I like to reach my goal? Why is this goal important to me? If you struggle answering some of these (especially your “why”), then maybe it’s time to head back to the drawing board.

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Should I Use Heat or Ice for Pain?

Did you get hurt during your workout? It’s time to grab the heating pad… or the ice pack… or both—who even knows! There’s a lot of confusion when it comes to using heat or cold to help treat common exercise injuries like strains, sprains, pulled muscles, shin splits, knee injuries and tenderness. Let’s put an end to it once and for all! Here’s your temperature care breakdown, so you know when it’s time to sing a song of fire or one of ice.

Ice, Ice, Baby

As a general rule, always choose ice for injuries and inflammation. Cold restricts blood flow and reduces inflammation and swelling. Whenever there’s bleeding in underlying tissue—think sprains, strains or bruising—ice treatment is the way to go. You can use cold therapy in two ways: immediate or rehabilitation.
Immediate treatment: helps prevent the injured area from becoming stiff by reducing tissue fluid.
Rehabilitation: aims to restore normal function to an affected area by reducing pain and spasms, which in turn allows for better movement.
If you have bad circulation, then cold therapy probably isn’t for you. If you apply ice for too long (or directly!) then skin, tissue or nerve damage becomes a possibility. Folks with cardiovascular disease should always consult with their doctor before using cold therapy.

Turn Up the Heat

Usually, heat is the best method for relaxing—whereas ice restricts blood vessels, heat opens them, increasing blood flow to an affected area. This is perfect for most aches and pains, and it’s also really great for repairing damaged tissue since increased blood flow stimulates healing. Minor stiffness and tension can usually be relieved with about 15-20 minutes of heat therapy.
Do not feel the burn! When using heat therapy, you want to keep a nice, even warmth. If you have swelling or bruising, heat isn’t the right call. Never use it near open wounds, and for people with heart disease or hypertension, always ask your doctor before using this treatment.

The Ultimate Treatment

When it comes to injuries caused by physical activity, cold and heat are super beneficial, but they’re not long-term solutions. A healthy musculoskeletal system is critical to overall health and healing, affecting how the entire body functions. Regular adjustments of the spine help return the body to a normal state, reducing tension and pain by utilizing the body’s natural healing process. Choosing chiropractic as the first line of defense once injured decreases the likelihood of surgery and further injury!